
Junliang Hu 胡俊良

2nd-year Ph.D. student @ CUHK
jlhu AT cse.cuhk.edu.hk

I'm a Ph.D. student at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. My advisor is Dr. Ming-Chang YANG.

I'm boradly interested in computer systems, especially operating systems, memory/storage systems and how they power today's cloud environemnt. My current research focuses on how to utilize heterogeneous memory techonogies, such as persistent memory and CXL memory, to address capacity and cost concerns in the virtualized cloud environemnt.

I earned my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Wuhan University in Spring 2021. Throughout my undergraduate years, I enjoy building various essential hardware (e.g. pipelined CPU core) and software components (e.g. JOS and rCore OS kernel, distributed consensus and key-value store).

I also participated in providing elastic block storage service for fleet-wide virtual machines of alibaba cloud using a large-scale distributed storage system in Summer 2020 as an intern.


  • [OSDI 23] SEPH: Scalable, Efficient, and Predictable Hashing on Persistent Memory

    Chao Wang, Junliang Hu, Tsun-Yu Yang, Yuhong Liang, and Ming-Chang Yang

    17th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 2023


External-reviewer for:

  • DAC 2021
  • ICCAD 2021
  • RTAS 2021
  • CODES+ISSS 2022 2023
  • ASP-DAC 2022
  • VLSI-DAT 2022